NEWS - A BLOG IN 2021?
Andrea D.L.The answer is yes. I will explain you the reason.

Revision of a harness prototype after fitting tests.
I thank Facebook for the opportunity that, back in 2009, it granted by giving me the opportunity to promote my first "custom" works. Unfortunately, over the years, I have witnessed the gradual deterioration of the social network: today obtaining a qualitative space within it has become complex. The algorithms that underlying these platforms reward what "involves" to the detriment of content quality, and this is not in line with the BLACKFOLIUM philosophy.

Year 2012 - The Facebook page of my first company R-Tactical
As in most of the decisions I have made over the years, also this time in the choice of the platform, I preferred quality, not quantity. Opening a Blog, in 2021, may seem anachronistic; so why rely on a vehicle that now represents the past? Because it is the place that better enclose, in both shape and essence, the contents that I would like to share with you.
We thought deeply about how to make it happen: How much to write? What style of writing? How many articles to publish and how often? The answers weren't so obvious. From the research carried out and from the comparison of ideas we decide to condense the articles into three categories: R&D (Research and Development), Tutorials and News. Let's see specifically:
R&D: How were our products born?
In this section you will find articles in which you will discover what innovation means, for us. I will accompany you through the entire research and development process: from the initial ideas to the creation of prototypes, from field tests to revisions, up to the final product. A real journey on the challenges and difficulties we have encountered and overcome. I am aware that many photos and information in our possession cannot be published, because they come from units where secrecy is a must. However, I will try to do my best. -
TUTORIAL: How should the products be used?
In this section you will find informative articles in which I will share knowledge related to the world of tactical equipment: how to correctly adjust the sling, how to set up an IFAK, which medical items to choose and much more. -
NEWS: the world of BLACKFOLIUM.
In this last section will be shared the most disparate experiences: encounters, changes and stories.
For better usability, the title of each article will be preceded by the initials of the category it belongs to (example: NEWS - "ARTICLE TITLE").
With each new publication (monthly) registered users will receive a notification email, for this reason we advise you to subscribe to our newsletter.
I personally thank all users who have read this first article. We are very proud of the new site, of the news we have made and above all of the new Blog! If you are passionate about the "tactical gear" world and are curious to know the processes that lead to the birth of our products ... you can't not follow us!
To all of you I dedicate this "New Beginning".

La passione permette di sopportare amarezze e rinunce che l’ambizione non giustificherebbe in alcun modo.
Vento in poppa per voi!
In bocca al lupo ragazzi! Sono davvero curioso di leggere i primi articoli R&D ed entrare nel vivo
Bravo bravo bravo , complimenti sinceri , un abbraccio !